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All India Conference on Visual Media Evangelism

"Conferring on the various tasks of Visual Media Evangelism that involves the production, distribution and use of modern visual media formats, have assumed importance never as before.".

The mobilization of the Church in India - its denominations, agencies, institutions and para-Church organizations - has become imminent. For effective networking, for mobilization of manpower and resources, for conferring on the various tasks of Visual Media Evangelism that involves the production, distribution and use of modern visual media formats, have assumed importance never as before.

Presentations of papers on Neo- Media Technology developments, Visual Media use and missiological dimensions, methods of Visual Media Evangelism for Church Planting, Multi-Media evangelism, Internet for Missions, Cyber Church and various other allied subjects by experts from India and overseas have helped disseminate information and enthused young Christian Media professionals.

Galilean Awards

Bi-annual Excellence in Christian Media Awards (Galilean Awards) was conceptualized to honour, recognize and encourage Christian who have laboured so hard to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our countrymen at home and abroad. more>>

All India Conference on Visual Media Ev.

The mobilization of the Church in India - its denominations, agencies, institutions and para-Church organizations - has become imminent. For effective networking, manpower, resources, for conferring on the various tasks of Visual Media Evangelism have assumed great importance.more>>

Visual Media Communication Sunday

The second Sunday in the month of March is observed as Visual Media Communication Sunday to mobilize Churches, Fellowships and Assemblies to pray for all missionary and evangelistic Agencies and their personnel who produce and use visual media products for harvest-oriented Evangelism. more>>

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